Training of Trainers (AdA)

The Training of Trainers (German: Ausbildung der Ausbilder – AdA) Qualification is an indispensable element to enable company staff to educate apprentice in the practical part of Dual Vocational Education Course in all kinds of professions. The AdA course contents is of general pedagogical / methodical character and thus in principle applicable to German statutory law (Ausbildereignungsverordnung – AEVO).



In order to also offer companies and school in Indonesia a Training of Trainer qualification course according to German standard, for example to prepare its staff for the training of apprentices / students in German standard Dual Vocational Education Course in Indonesia, EKONID and the German entities sequa gGmbH / IHK Trier set up a cooperation. The organization and conduct of AdA courses in Indonesia is currently realized by sequa gGmbH / IHK Trier (on the basis of a project of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development) and the examination and certification is permanently assured by EKONID.


In the German vocational education system, there is 2 level of AdA qualification courses: a Basic and a Comprehensive Version (“Basisversion” and Vollversion”). In Indonesia sequa gGmbH / IHK Trier and EKONID offer the “AdA International – Basic Version” in Indonesian language – a qualification course elaborate on the basis of German system’s AdA Basic Version. The Comprehensive Version is scheduled to be offered in the near future according to the demand for it.


The AdA Basic Version course in Indonesia is composed of 40 hours of training (5 consecutive days” by certified local trainers od sequa gGmbH / IHK Trier, EKONID as well as partner institutions. The training is followed by 1 or 2 days (depending on the number of participants) of written and practical examination conducted by EKONID. Participants having successfully passed the examination receive a certificate issued by EKONID. Participants not having passed the examination can repeat it twice.


The “AdA International – Basic Version” course cover the following 4 learning fields:


Learning Field 1:

 Evaluation of Training Requirement


Trainers are able to evaluate the training requirements for a successful vocational training.

  1. Introduction of the German dual vocational training system structure and its interfaces.
  2. Coordination of the task and responsibilities of personnel involved in the vocational training at the company, taking into account its specific roles and skills.


Learning Field 2:

Preparation of Training and participation in Selecting Students and Apprentices


Trainers and able to prepare the vocational training considering organizational and legal aspect.

  1. Development of a vocational training plan based on the training regulation as well as specific work and operational procedures in the company.
  2. Identification of necessary cooperation as well as coordination of training contents and organizational matters with the cooperation partners: in particular vocational school.


Learning Field 3:

Conduct of Training


Trainers and able to stimulate independently actively – based learning of apprentices and students on specific work and operational processes.

  1. Development of a vocational training plan and assignments based on the company’s training plan, specific technical tasks and operational process.
  2. Selection and application of suitable training methods and media according to the specific target groups and situations.
  3. Promotion of apprentices’ social and personal development, in – time identification and recognition of problems / conflicts and elaboration of solutions.
  4. Determination and review of apprentices’ performance, evaluation of exam and assessments by third parties, coordination of progress interviews and conclusion on further training possibilities.


Learning Field 4:

Completion of Training


The trainer has the professional and pedagogical qualification to guide the apprentices and students toward a successful completion of their training / apprenticeship and to inform them about possible future career paths.

  1. Preparation of apprentices and students for the final examination considering the examination schedule and ensuring the training being successfully completed.
  2. Guidance for the establishment of a certificate for apprentices and students based on performance assessment.

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"Education Indonesia" is a brand of German-Indonesian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (EKONID)

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