Bachelor Professional

In addition to the successful cooperation between EKONID and Polman Astra in the frame of dual vocational education “Automotive Mechatronics”, further qualification in vocational the “Automotive Mechatronic Meister” or most commonly known as Bachelor Professional Program in Automotive Mechatronics, has been taken up since 2019.



The Bachelor Professional Program, is the first of its kind in Indonesia and Asia. At Astra Manufacturing Polytechnics School (Polman Astra), the program is certified according to German standard by EKONID in collaboration with the Association of German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DIHK) and the HWK Koblenz.


The Bachelor Professional Program is a further qualification program for automotive mechatronics with a duration of one year. It is composed of a theoretical part, including further knowledge in technical modules and economic also legal aspects, and practical part, the “masterpiece project (in German: “Meisterstück)”. All the teachers of Polman Astra that are involved in the program had successfully passed the Automotive Mechatronics Meister Examination in Germany.


The 1st Bachelor Professional Program in Automotive Mechatronics based on German Automotive Mechatronics Meister Standards in 2019, had recently completed the 1-year training program for 10 students from ASTRA-affiliated companies in Jakarta.


The training was followed with final examination in March 2020 which ASTRA and EKONID conducted in cooperation with Koblenz Chamber of Crafts (HWK Koblenz) and the Central Association of Automotive Mechatronics Germany (ZDK).